CTeSP, Undergraduate Degrees and Master's Degrees

Foreign students who are interested in studying in Portugal may do it as International Student if:
- do not have Portuguese nationality;
- do not come from a Member State of the European Union;
- fulfill the requirements for the intended degree.
Please notice that all programs are in Portuguese language.
Candidates can apply for the programs they want, from any of the IPS Schools. They will, however, have to submit an individual application for each course, and the respective fees will be applied to each application.
Applications must be submitted on the official IPS website.
The demonstration of the specific academic qualification for undergraduate courses is done through the accomplishment of an entrance exam composed by documentary evidence and written test.
Access to the IPS masters programs and post graduate diploma - 2nd cycle - is carried out through specific procedures of each course. The delivery of the documentation and the formalization of the application is done online. Information regarding specific procedures is available on the pages of each course.
Can apply for the CTeSP (short cycle programs), with the duration of 4 academic semesters, students with:
secondary course, candidates holding CET (Technological Specialization course), CTeSP or another higher education course.